Welcome to ISPy’s documentation!

ISPy (https://github.com/ISP-SST/ISPy) is a Python library of commonly used tools at the Institute for Solar Physics (https://www.isf.astro.su.se/) at the Stockholm University (https://www.su.se), covering SST data processing and alignment, radiative transfer calculations and inversion pre- and post-processing, among others. Read this documentation (https://ISP-SST.github.io/ISPy/) for getting details on how to use the code.

Getting Started

ISPy can be installed via this repository:

git clone https://github.com/ISP-SST/ISPy
python setup.py install

or via pip by using the following command:

pip install git+https://github.com/ISP-SST/ISPy


ISPy depends on the following external packages, that should be straightforward to install using conda: numpy, astropy, scipy, astropy, matplotlib, Cython, h5py, ipdb, tensorflow, keras, tqdm. If a Python module is needed for ANA f0 files you can clone and install it from this repository: https://github.com/cdiazbas/pyana


Here you will find an index and the list of all the modules with their descriptions. You can also search for words/keywords using the upper left panel.